Recommend payments
The P2i Contract Officer, is responsible for reviewing the payments and the associated reports. Based on the status of the reports, they can make a recommendation on the amount that should be paid to the organisation. In circumstances where the organisation is unable to submit their reporting for the period, the P2i Contract Officer can recommend that the payment be made by exception. Payments can be Full, Partial or No Payment. Where the payment is partial, a percentage must be entered.
For any reporting period where a Client Management Report has been submitted, the P2i Contract Officer can tick the box next to the report to acknowledge that it has been received.
When payment for a contract is due and all reports are completed, an email notification is sent to the P2i Contract Officer.
Recommend a full payment
Tip You can also click the link in the notification email to access the contract.
From the Contract Management Portal
This is known as Acquittals Dashboard by Suppliers (Funded Organisations). It is also known as the Downstream Dashboard by department staff., click
Contract Management Hub app.
Click the Filter button to search for the contract.
Note The P2i Contract Officer can view all contracts, not just the ones they have been assigned to.
Enter the Supplier Organisation Name, Contract Number, Service Outlet Name, Service Outlet Number or Contract Officer and click the Search icon.
Click the Contract Number to access the contract.
Click Trigger Payments.
Click the Payment Id.
Click Recommend.
Note Add any notes or attachments to support the recommendation. These notes or attachments are not visible to the Funded Organisation.
Select Full Payment.
Note If recommending Partial Payment, enter a percentage value and enter a comment. If recommending No Payment, enter a comment. Refer to the topic, Handling Partial Payments.
Add any Comments for the payment approver.
Note These comments are only visible to the Department.
Click Send for Approval.
Click Go to Trigger Payments.
Note The Workflow Status of the Payment Id has changed to Recommended. Refer to the topic, Releasing Payments for instructions on how to approve the payment recommendation.